First off, here are some basics courtesy of Obviously, if you can study the maze beforehand, do it — taking care to note the exit. Most corn mazes offer maps that you can take on your journey, and you can also use aerial photos or landmarks to minimize confusion and aimless wandering. These days, more technologically advanced mazes even have their own apps, allowing you to follow your progress in real time.
Teamwork is also important, both in terms of tracking movement and discussing a path, and simply for morale. It's unlikely that your corn maze experience will be anything but lighthearted fun, but the golden rule for being lost in any circumstance is to not panic and make decisions with a clear head. Clues could involve noise or light coming from outside of the course.
Here's an even more foolproof trick to getting out of a corn maze: keep one hand on the wall at all times. Kotaku says this method guarantees you will find your way out, and usually pretty efficiently. For this to work, you need to keep track of a wall from the moment you enter — get distracted, scared, or disoriented and the tactic becomes useless. Same for if you start on the inside of a maze, or get stuck circling a corn "island". But if you know the wall you're touching starts and ends on the outside of the maze, you're golden, and your time inside the corn will be poppin'.